New Year – New Resolutions?

Can Make A Difference

Most of us start the New Year with a big celebration as the clock strikes midnight. We also take the time to challenge ourselves to be better by setting up personal goals. A fresh start can inspire us to achieve what we have put off or were unable to reach in the past.

  • Self-improvement is always a good idea.
  • Some of us want to be more financially responsible.
  • Some of us want to strive to higher education.
  • Others of us want to eat and live healthier.

But what if we all included to our 2020 list of goals?

There’s something outside of work and family that we are all passionate about. Donating some of your time to your passion such as your local food pantry or animals shelter will not only help these organizations but also enrich our lives. There is something magical about the act of giving that comes back to us tenfold. Maybe it’s that sense of purpose we receive when we attach ourselves to something bigger.

There are hundreds of non-profit organizations where you live that would love your time. Now’s your chance to get out there and volunteer. You can make a difference!

From the entire team at AlphaCord, we want to wish you and your family a very happy and successful 2020!